Huntingdonshire Volunteer Centre

Contact: Tel: 01487 814117, Work Mobile: 0758 2211392, e mail:
Location: Ramsey: Methodist Church Hall, High Street, Ramsey, PE26 1AA
Day and Time: Monday to Thursday 10am – 12noon.
The Volunteer Centre seeks to recruit and place volunteers with charities in the local community. It is a great way to support your own community, widen your circle of friends and help your neighbours and organisations in the Warboys, Ramsey and surrounding area.
Arrangements can be made for a one-to-one, personal and confidential interview for any interested volunteers.
We can promote opportunities for local volunteer-using organisations which can also be put online on the DO-IT Volunteering England website.
The Centre also operates a Community Car Scheme, using volunteers with their own cars, who will take passengers who are unable to access or use public transport. It can help with necessary journeys they would otherwise be unable to make. Passengers pay the drivers a mileage charge for this service. Trips are made to doctor & hospital appointments, shopping etc.
Please contact the office to make a booking but please make sure you call at least 4 days in advance of the required journey. We look forward to meeting you.
There is also a St.Ives Office:
Contact: Tel: 01480 301462, Work Mobile: 0758 2211392, e mail:
Location: Town Hall, Market Hill, St Ives, PE27 5AL
Day and Time: Mon – Thu 12.30 – 3pm