The original church was built around 1086 and was surrounded by a medieval village. Nothing remains of this building and the oldest part of the existing building dates from the 12th century. The church was originally dedicated to the Virgin Mary, but this was later changed to St Mary Magdalene. The current Parish Church is on the same site but is now on the edge of the village, the village no longer surrounds the church.
The earliest part of the current church was built during the 12th century—this church consisted of a chancel, the present nave and a north aisle. From this Norman church only the chancel arch (see adjacent picture) and a small piece of walling in the south west corner of the nave have survived.

Early in the 13th century the north aisle was rebuilt followed by the building of the south aisle. During the mid 13th century the broach spire was built.
During the 14th century the south aisle was extended (by the side of the tower) and a south porch added.
The north aisle was extended (or rebuilt) in the 15th century when the north porch was added.

Sometime before the 19th century the chancel was rebuilt and shortened but during the 19th century (1832) the chancel was extended eastward to its original length and considerably altered.
At this time large galleries were erected in both north and south aisles and the tower, the floor being lowered a foot to give headroom under them. Some walls were plastered, such as above the Norman arch. The vestry at the end of the north aisle was created.
In 1896 the spire was restored. Look towards the tower from the east end of the nave to see a majestic arch and elegant lancet window.
In 1926 the tower and south aisle were underpinned. Also the changes of 1832 (apart from the chancel) were removed i.e. the plaster and galleries also the floor was restored to the former level. You can see where the wooden joists were inserted in the piers. It is interesting that one of the piers is octagonal while the rest are circular!
The Font is of the early 13th century, the square bowl is carved with crude foliage standing on one large and four smaller shafts mounted on the base. The wooden cover also has an interesting background: It was made during the restoration work of 1926 from old beams salvaged during the restoration work. The font was moved from the west end of the nave in July 2007 to it’s new position in the east end of the north aisle. Baptisms are no longer a separate service where people just gather round the font, it is now usually part of morning service and the new position enables most of the congregation to see the Baptism.

Church Bells: There are now six bells, the sixth one (the treble) being a recent addition (1953) in honour of our Queen. The original sixth bell was said to have been lost at sea, many years ago. Apart from the fact that the bells record that they were made by Joseph Eayre of St Neots, they have interesting inscriptions. The bells were hung and rung in 1765, and on them are recorded the names of the church wardens and rector of that time, namely, Edward Dring and Oliver Hills together with Allen Cowper, Rector. In addition, bell number two says: ‘Cum voco nenite’, bell number three says: ‘Omnia fiant ad glorium Dei’, bell number six (tenor) says: Ego sum vox c1amantis’. Translating with some licence the combined messages of the bells into one sentence, we might say, ‘I cry aloud with my voice, all praise to our glorious God’. The bells are regularly rung.
The Organ, paid for by donations, was made by Messrs Harrison and Harrison of County Durham and installed in the east end of the north aisle in July 1901. In 1947 it was restored and enlarged. In July 2007 the organ was moved from the east end to the west end of the north aisle and it had a full refurbishment and tuning.
War Time: During the second world war there was an airfield at Warboys. Many forces personnel who lost their lives are remembered in the church on plaques or in the Book of Remembrance. 156 Path Finder Squadron has a lasting association with the church. A stained glass window in the south aisle marks this period.
During and just after the war the sermon was preached in German and English when 150 German prisoners-of-war worshipped with villagers. The POW chaplain, Pastor Schroeder, of Old Hurst Camp read a translation prepared by the then Rector (Rev Nelson Trafford).

The church has a fine 12th century bronze knocker consisting of a lion’s face holding a ring of two dragons fighting although this is no longer fitted to the main church door.

The electrical switch gear at the east end of the north aisle has been boxed in using panels from the old pulpit.

At the east end of the north aisle is a bracket containing a 15th century lion. Look closely and you will find other gargoyles around the church (inside and outside the church)

A list of Rectors in charge of the church since the 12th century is on a plaque mounted on the organ.

There are two stained glass windows in the chancel (east wall and south wall). One in south aisle (already mentioned) and another in the south vestry.

In 2007 the traditional wooden pews were removed and replaced with upholstered chairs. This makes sitting more comfortable and enables a flexible use of the space.

In 2010 new staging, carpets and a gas heating system to radiators were installed.

Stained Glass Window in the South Vestry

The Pathfinder 156 Squadron moved from Wyton to Warboys on 5 Aug 1942 with Wellington Bombers. On 1 Jan 1943 Lancasters arrived. 156 Squadron remained at Warboys until Mar 1944 when it moved to Upwood. King George VI and Queen Elizabeth visited Warboys airfield in Feb 1944.
By May 1945, the Pathfinder force had made 50,490 sorties with the appalling loss of 3727 men – about 1/6 of total Bomber Command casualities from the whole war.
The commemorative window, which cost £2000, was dedicated at the annual Pathfinder reunion weekend in May 1991 by Group Captain Hamish Mahadie.
Plaque compiled and designed by Joan Cole and Evan Tringham for Warboys Parish Council in 2014.