From the photo collection of Joan Cole
The above photo shows the swimming pool which was installed in the school in 1961 in what is now the Parish Centre of Warboys.

From the photo collection of Joan Cole
This photo shows all the children who took part in the swimming gala for 1964 together with some members of staff. The location is what is now the Warboys Parish Centre.
The following article is from the School Magazine Summer 1964 and is about the Swimming Gala held in 1964.
Extract from ‘Warboys County Primary School’ Summer Magazine 1964
Swimming at school during the Summer term was a most successful enterprise and no fewer than 113 certificates were awarded for proficiency in swimming. In addition, 43 pupils were awarded swimming certificates in a National competition. We also sent a swimming relay team to take part in the Ramsey swimming gala and we noted that some of our former pupils were in the teams representing Ramsey Abbey and Ramsey Modern Schools. We had 100% passes in the County Tests and eleven participants who were awarded County certificates were, Jane England, Janet Baxter, Yvonne Steward, Jennifer Noble, Susan Noble, Denise Goodwin, Roger Custance, Alan Adams, Alan Hutchcraft, Stewart Campbell and Sharon Vigil. Mrs. Mills and Mr. Gregory are to be congratulated on all these succcesses. During the autumn term the school has been generously given time at Chatteris indoor heated swimming pool and each week 40 pupils avail themselves of this opportunity to improve their swimming.